
  • Emily de Molly

    No Love Lost
  • High Elbow

    Crummock Water
  • Dots!

  • Pocket Money Polishes - I Want Candy

  • Pocket Money Polishes Magic

    Gradient: Chanel Paradoxal and Dior Waterlily
  • Emily de Molly - Serenity

  • Fellrunning

    Dryburn Moor
  • Elevation Polish - Opal

  • Darling Diva Polish - Serendipity

  • Derwentwater

  • Pocket Money Polishes - Summertime

  • Nail Lacquer UK

    Eat My Cake
  • Scofflaw - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

  • Hodge

  • Chanel - Taboo and Peridot

  • Chanel - Bel-Argus and Azure

More about me and my blog......

I live in a quiet rural corner of the UK and I love running up hills (our little muddy *mountains* are referred to locally as 'fells'), swimming in (and sometimes across) lakes and painting my nails!

I decided to start a blog to keep a record of some of my manicures. It's not intended to be a colour catalogue of the latest polish releases (there are plenty excellent bloggers already doing that and there's not a great deal I could add), but a record of what I've used and how it looks, possibly with a note of where I was or what I was doing when I wore it, or why I chose that colour. I'm especially interested in colour combinations, layering textures and patterns, so I try to focus on these things in my photographs ~ using different angles than the typical square-on four nail swatches. If you're wondering, when my nails are long, they are real!

For my own purposes, I hope to be able to look back on my posts in the future and select a polish that reminds me of a special place, day or run. Of course it would be great to think that I'm not just writing and photographing into a void and that others are reading and enjoying my efforts :)

My blog is an expression of my personal, unbiased opinions. All the polishes and any other products I mention were either purchased by me, or received in a swap or as a gift, unless expressly stated otherwise. If I've been sent a sample polish to review this fact is made clear at the end of my post.

You can contact me at

Thank you for looking at my little blog!


  1. Your blog is really pretty. Some beautiful manicures. They look fantastic ;o)

  2. Ooh, are you in the Lakes? I love it up there - was up in December for the first time in years, had forgotten how beautiful it is.


I love to receive comments on my posts and always read them :)